Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Class of 2016 - Assemblies

Over the last 4 or 5 weeks, grade 7 tutor groups have been presenting a topic of their choice in our weekly assembly slot. We started during British Fortnight with 7A showing us some of the traditions of the countries of the British Isles, including "cheese rolling" and "black pudding throwing".

7B followed on with an assembly on the weird and wonderful technologies in existence, or nearly in existence, in our world today.

Next up was 7D and a Canadian Music festival.

And finally 7C showed us a wide range of winter sports practised in Canada. (apologies that the photos are quite dark)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Class of 2016 - Upcoming events

Firstly thank you to all of you who managed to come to our Parent Teacher evening last week. I hope you were able to take the opportunity to speak to your son/daughter's teachers to discuss their progress and any ways in which you can help them improve from home. If you were unable to attend, you may collect the report from Marielos Soto.

The evening before this, parents of grades 8-12 met to discuss our drug prevention program. On the "pages" sidebar you will find a summary of the information provided by Adriano BolaƱos. The next Parent Partnership meeting is scheduled for February 2011 where the topics to be discussed will be Exam preparation and dealing with stress.

As the holidays approach, we have a busy schedule and I'd like to take this opportunity to share some of the information with you.

Thursday 9th December: Carols by candlelight - in the PAC at 6.30pm
Staff and students from Primary and Secondary will be performing a short programme of songs and readings celebrating Christmas. Please come and join us!!! Seasonal refreshments will be served. Free tickets are available from Roxana Hall's office.

Friday 10th December: Founder's Day Celebrations
Students may come to school in the special T-shirts they ordered last week and which will be distributed in the next few days. Lessons will finish at lunchtime and students will then be participating in and watching sports events until 3pm and should be picked up after this time. After 3 pm there will be sporting events involving our Varsity teams, parents, alumni and teachers, spectators are welcome!

Thursday 16th December: Awards Assembly at 7am in the PAC
We will be celebrating the successes of the year so far and invite you to join us to congratulate the students.

Friday 17th December: Last day of term
Lessons will finish at break time and the rest of the morning will be spent finalising any business with tutors, making sure everyone is ready for the holidays, in an end of term assembly and with the usual tug of war event. Students may be collected from 12 noon onwards.

Monday 20th December - Friday 7th January: Holidays
School re-opens for students on Monday 10th January.