Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Class of 2016 - Parent Partnership May 4th and Workshop on Interpersonal Relationships May 9th

Parent Partnership meeting Wednesday May 4th

This is the 3rd of our meetings about our Drug Prevention program with Adriano Bolanos. Starting next week, Adriano will be working with grade 7 students on the themes of smoking and alcohol as part of our Life Skills program. All students will attend 2 talks and 2 workshops.

We look forward to seeing you in the Little Theatre at 6pm.

Girls Workshop on Interpersonal Relationships Monday May 9th

This is the 4th workshop and will be held from 2.30-4.30pm here in school. Please see the page above or the email sent from Natalia Sol and sign up!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Class of 2016 - Parent Partnership 4th April

Please find below the invitation for our next Parent Partnership evening. Monday 4th April, 6:30pm in the PAC. We hope to have the same attendance as the one last time! Topic: At risk factors and drugs we do not know about.

El documento abajo es la invitacion a nuestra proxima reunion de Padres en Sociedad. Lunes 4 de Abril, 6:30pm en el PAC. Esperamos tener la misma asistencia que en nuestra ultima reunion! Tema: factores de riesgo y las drogas que no conocemos.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Class of 2016: Poetry competition

Grade 7 students have been invited to participate in a Spanish Poetry Competition - see below for rules and information!


• Podrán participar los alumnos de KS3, es decir, sexto, séptimo y octavo grado.
• La poesía deberá tratar un tema relacionado con el uso del agua y se escribirá en español.
• Deberá presentarse en copia de computadora, letra arial o new times roman, número 12 o en letra manuscrita legible.
• El trabajo deberá incluir una carátula con el nombre del alumno, de la institución, de la poesía y del grado.
• Se descalificarán los trabajos con faltas de ortografía, tachones y enmiendas.
• Se descalificarán los trabajos que incluyan palabras soeces o expresiones con doble sentido.
• Los versos de la poesía tendrán un mínimo de 25 y un máximo 30.
• Fecha límite de entrega: 21 de marzo
• Los trabajos se entregarán a los profesores de español.

Class of 2016: Exam instructions

There are only 4 school days left until the exam week starts and students should already be well ahead with their preparation. The revised timetable can be seen below, and the topic list (now with correct Maths topics!) and exam instructions can be found on separate pages (select from the tabs above).

The remaining days will be spent revising with teachers and so it is crucial that students attend school, including on 22nd and 23rd March, despite the US president's visit to El Salvador. We expect minimal disruption, if any, and so will expect all students in lessons.

Good luck in the exams Grade 7!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Class of 2016 - Exam timetable and topics

As you know, the Exam Cal week for Grade 7 is fast approaching... there are only 14 school days to go!!! The timetable for the exams, which start on Tuesday 22nd March is below. A list of all the topics for each subject can be found by selecting the "EXAM CAL March 2010" page from the list above.

Some useful websites to help with revision for the exams can be found on this document, given out at the Parents Partnership meeting earlier this month.

UPDATE: Revised exam dates!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Class of 2016 - FUNPRES session and Parent Partnership Meeting

The next FUNPRES session for girls, entitled "21st Century Teenagers" will be held on 9th March from 2.30-4.30. Please see the page "FUNPRES March 2011" for more details and contact Miss Graham or Marielos Soto to sign up your daughter.

The next Parent Partnership meeting will be on 22nd February at 6pm in the PAC. The theme will be "Exam Fever". Please see the page "Parent Partnership Feb 2011" for more details. We hope to see you all there! (Grade 7 Exam Week is 22nd-25th March)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Class of 2016: Outstanding!

The word outstanding has more than one meaning... it can mean excellent, and it is in this way that I use it for the first news of this post; but can also mean overdue, as is the case for the second item!

Maths Counts - Outstanding performances!

A number of grade 6-8 ABC students competed against schools from around Central America last week in the Maths Relay competition. All of the participants did us proud but a special mention must go to the team who won. First place went to an ABC team, made up of 8 students, 2 of whom are from grade 7: Andrea Osegueda and Andres Butter - congratulations, a great achievement. Competition continued the following day with Maths Counts. Again an ABC team took first place - this time a team of 4... 3 grade 8s plus grade 7s Andres Butter who will now have the opportunity to compete in the next round, which will be held in Mexico! Good luck Andres!

Photos outstanding from 2010!
Friday 10th December: Founder's Day Celebrations

Friday 17th December: Last day of term tug-of-war